Coach the parents
Long term sustainability of grass roots football is only possible if parents step forward to manage and coach our youth teams. Most of the focus is placed on the players and how they are performing week in week out. Parents looking to coach are encouraged to complete FA Level 1, however this does not provide the support mechanism to plan and manage game day, this is a pitfall across all grass roots. We recognise at K50 that parents are often ‘thrown in the deep end’ and its expected they know what to do, not always the case.
K50 run events to support the progression of you as a new manager/coach, to help nurture attitude and environment within your teams and to help you change mindset to get the very best out of your players
Create a positive environment: Coaches, parents, players and referees should give and receive positive messages and feedback. People respond to positive messages rather than criticism. Any criticism should be delivered in a constructive manner.
Lead by a positive example: We all react differently to situations, but it is essential that the adults set the right examples. Always enjoy the game but keep your emotions in control. It is important that we are humble in victory and gracious in defeat, following our code of conduct for training and matchdays.
Understand your players: Think about your players as people first, learn about their backgrounds and personal circumstances. This will help you in managing the team and making decisions. Get to know what your players want to achieve and what they want from your club. This will make the game much more enjoyable for all.
Build a positive team around you: Clear communication between everyone is essential for building a positive environment. Everyone needs to understand the philosophy of the team and the aims of the club.
Instil an anything is possible attitude: Try not to put limits around what may be achievable. Get young people to set small goals to keep achieving. Remember the power of sport in giving young people an opportunity to express themselves regardless of their background and ability.
- Parental significance – Invest the time in connecting and building relations with the parents of our players.
- A variety of challenges – Manage each decision constructively with positive messages
- Show them that you care
- Share your expectations – Makes plans and targets clear to understand
- Positive influence – Both with parents and player
- Managing behaviour – Work with influential parents
- Give them a voice – Allow feedback
- Involve them – Team talk for parents to hear
- The art of delegation
- Creating the right environment – Encourage mistakes, praise bravery with game-based activity.
- Allow them to see you as a figure to look up to
- Watch good youth football coaches!
- Enjoy and have fun13. Plan, record, read, play